Confidently Understand & Implement Myofunctional Therapy

in less than 60 days


(without leaving home, going back to school or seeing the banker)

If you’re a passionate Registered Dental Hygienist looking to add another area of "specialized" expertise to motivate and serve your patients, or thinking about how long you can physically handle hygiene, or perhaps you're bored and burnt out...looking to breathe new life into a stagnant and stale career... without having to start over... than you already know that…. you need to learn about myofunctional therapy.

No need to state the obvious. Or convince you of something that's already been drilled deep into your caring mind.

We all KNOW that dental hygienists are born with a heart to serve.  Would you like to continue serving others and being a "helper at heart" but with a twist?  Something new, that adds to what you offer and fills your heart?  Maybe even makes a much bigger ripple in the pond and helps more people?

Are you physically getting to a point where clinical dental hygiene is too demanding, or do you find yourself worrying about what will happen when that time comes for you?

Would you feel a little less overwhelmed or anxious if the answer didn't have to be black or white, and you could find a healthy mix of everything you want in your j-o-b?




Even if you're lucky enough to be in love with your current gig (lucky you)...understanding myofunctional therapy (and maybe having your own business) can:

  • Instantly Benefit Your Patient

    The very minute you begin your myo education, you will learn something to make you a superstar practitioner.  The health of your patient is about so much more than the mouth.  Understanding myofunctional impairment and implementing myofunctional therapy into your daily practice will skyrocket the level of patient care that you provide. Every lesson teaches you valuable and exciting skills that you will undoubtedly desire to put into action the very next day.
  • Significantly Boost Your Income

    Even if you're happy with your hourly rate, once you have a successful myofunctional therapy business, you will be in complete control of your financial earnings.  You will no longer have to rely on every paycheck or wait for your annual review for a raise.  Instead, you will bring in sustainable revenue that will give you the freedom to scale back your dental hygiene employment whenever you choose.
  • Build Upon Expertise You Already Have

    There is no certification or licensure required...myofunctional therapy is part of your dental hygiene scope of practice.  Of course, you have to learn the how's and the why's...but you don't have to take a specific course. 
  • Generate A Plan For Transitioning Into Retirement

    Creating your own myofunctional therapy business makes transition into "retirement"  a stress free decision.  You get to decide when you're ready!  You never know when those pesky injuries might creep in, so having the total control over your business and finances will keep you feeling less overwhelmed and more excited about the future possibilities.

Even though the reasons to pursue myofunctional therapy are obvious, the path to doing it successfully is anything but.

Become A Myofunctional Therapist?

But where the heck do I start?


Perhaps, somewhere you've heard about the "mystical" field.  Maybe even had the courageous moment to google the term and make a commitment to start.

You've sent an email or two out to other myofunctional therapists, wondering how to get started. 

You've ordered a couple of the latest, best-selling books surrounding the topic of airway, chewing, or possibly a tongue-tie.

If you're super committed, maybe you've even interviewed someone about alternative careers in dental hygiene.

But even with the best intentions, most "would-be" myofunctional therapists abandoned the dream, and allow "would-be" competitors to swoop in and give it a whirl, while they remain sidelined, trying to figure out what to do first.


Here's why this is irreversibly crippling:

Without a super clear, step-by-step framework, most "would be" myofunctional therapists get lost, falling victim to lack of clarity and direction, as well as paralyzing fear about making decisions or being afraid to "jump in".

And the moment you get lost in the process, it's almost impossible to recover.

Therefore, understanding and implementing myofunctional therapy is something that you NEED to get right from the beginning.

In all likelihood, your "competitors"  are either still trying to gain traction, or have completely abandoned their goals altogether, so there is still a golden opportunity for you because there is so much need....

The 4 Myths

That Are Crushing Your

"Myo Mojo"

(and how to guarantee success for yourself)


You Aren't Smart Enough

This couldn't be further from the truth.  You have already met so many challenges on your path to a registered dental hygienist.  You are smart! You actually have much of the needed background to get your myofunctional educated started.  Instead of worrying that you aren't smart enough, you need to believe in the power of persistence.  You didn't give up before.  You won't give up now!


You Need To Get "Certified"

Many dental hygienists believe that a long "certification" process is necessary.  Just like in the movies, "you've had the power all along".  What we mean is... that the ADHA has written myofunctional therapy into the scope of practice for dental hygienists.  You don't need to jump through this process if you don't want to.  Many therapists do not, and they launch amazing myofunctional therapy businesses.


But I Love My Hygiene Gig

(Lucky dog!)

It's A-ok!  Many successful therapists weave myofunctional therapy into their current employment situation.  Some have a boss who want to establish a "myo" focused practice and will support you every step of the way.  

Others find a lovely balance of myo and hygiene and feel so good about supercharging their career.  And what a fresh, breath of air that can be.  


I Don't Know How To Run A Business

Patience grasshopper.  You can learn anything you put your mind do.  Running a business requires organization and responsibility...which you already have.  You are a go getter.  You are a problem solver.  You are a server and a helper.  You've got this!  

Shh...I'm going to let you in on a little secret

Even though the myofunctional education market is pretty big and growing quickly - it's not reaching enough people.  There is so much need out there for quality therapists.

The main reason for this, as you've probably already figured out, is that none of this is taught to you in school...

...or at least not very comprehensively....

....the barrier to entry is high and the EFFECTIVE EXECUTION is relatively low....

But as long as you can avoid the biggest blunders that sink most "would-be" therapists, the path is paved for you and your profitable myofunctional therapy business.

One that allows you to achieve more freedom, create more income and make a huge impact for your patients, while allowing you to define how you want that hygiene-myo mix to work.

The key to all of this is the Myo Mastery Program.

And with your permission, that's what I'd LOVE to share with you.

“I highly recommend taking this myofunctional therapy course with Carmen! She is very organized and keeps the class engaged. She ensures that students fully understand the section before moving on to the next. Carmen is always available to help answer questions or review any information, even after the course is over! She has so much knowledge and experience with myofunctional therapy. I’m so happy that I took this course. There is so much to learn, and I feel lucky that I had this opportunity.”

Maria, RDH

“Carmen and her OMT course are awesome! I took her 10-week course 6 months after completing a different OMT course. Carmen’s course is so well put together and is ideal for dental hygienists. Her course gave me the push I needed to gain more confidence and get out of my comfort zone. She herself has been a practicing hygienist for many years so she has a wealth of knowledge and experience. Throughout her career, she has mastered her skills in dental hygiene and is now an expert in Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy. Carmen remains dedicated to staying ahead of the curve in this field and spends countless hours studying new research and treatment options. Not only is she a great resource for information, she is also a wonderful coach and mentor. Since completing her course, she has made herself available to me for continued guidance and support. Her business education and background definitely set her apart from other mentors I’ve worked with. I highly recommend taking Carmen’s course- whether you want to practice OMT or use it as an opportunity to be one of the best hygienists around, you won’t regret it!”

Kimmie, Registered Dental Hygienist


The Myo Mastery Program

The Complete A-Z, Step-By-Step Roadmap For Creating Your Profitable Myofunctional Therapy Business

I've taken everything I've learned from my years as a seasoned RDH, added my knowledge as an authority in the field of myofunctional therapy, applied my expertise from my M.B.A. (Master's in Business) and evaluated feedback from my students and channeled it into a comprehensive, step-by-step implementation program, that not only teaches you the basics of myofunctional therapy and the identification of orofacial myofunctional disorders, but the actual EXECUTION of how you can do the same.Yes, you will learn the strategies behind everything that I do, but more importantly, you will have a meticulous, step-by-step roadmap that leaves nothing out and takes nothing for granted as you implement it.

Carmen :)


The end result:  An incredibly profitable, long-term plan ready to be deployed immediately...whether in a private setting or in your current dental employment environment.


The Myo Mastery Program is the ONLY implementation program of its kind that not only shows you EXACTLY how to screen for orofacial myofunctional disorders, create treatment plans and deliver therapy like a pro, but also how to build a profitable, organized and thriving business. 

So... if you’re ready to finally take that next step to adding value and purpose to your dental hygiene knowledge while avoiding "starting over" or losing the expertise that you've worked so hard to build...

Here's how we'll help you get here:


Your Step-By-Step Roadmap to Understanding & Implementing Myofunctional Therapy

We know, there are a bunch of topics listed below.  Don't sweat it.  Each lesson is broken down into manageable pieces. Each lesson wraps up with identification of those pain points where you might get stuck and....those actionable items for you to put into practice the VERY. NEXT. DAY.

Don't get us wrong.  You can't whiz through or else you won't wrap your mind around all of the key concepts.  But if you slowly and methodically make your way through each lesson, letting it build upon the previous, letting it marinate and speak to will marvel at your growing knowledge base!

Program Lesson Breakdown:

  • Lesson 1: Introduction into Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy, Future of OMT, Goals of OMT, Anatomy Review and Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders
  • Lesson 2:  Identification of OMD's, Information Gathering, Health History Review, and Treatment of OMD's
  • Lesson 3:  How People End Up In Front Of Me, and the Free 30-Minute Assessment Appointment
  • Lesson 4:  Comprehensive Myofunctional Examination, Part 1
  • Lesson 5:  Comprehensive Myofunctional Examination, Part 2
  • Lesson 6:  Advanced Phase 1 Therapy Exercise Session 1 of 12
  • Lesson 7:  Mouth Breathing and Nasal Breathing
  • Lesson 8:  Advanced Phase 1 Therapy Exercise Session 2 of 12
  • Lesson 9:  Tethered Oral Tissue (Tongue-Ties)
  • Lesson 10:  Advanced Phase 1 Therapy Exercise Session 3 of 12
  • Lesson 11:  Frenectomies
  • Lesson 12:  Advanced Phase 1 Therapy Exercise Session 4 of 12
  • Lesson 13:  Advanced Needs
  • Lesson 14:  Advanced Phase 1 Therapy Exercise Session 5 of 12
  • Lesson 15:  Consultation, Therapy Planning, Therapy Acceptance, Referring and Team Approach
  • Lesson 16:  Advanced Phase 1 Therapy Exercise Session 6 of 12
  • Lesson 17:  Phase I Therapy
  • Lesson 18:  Advanced Phase 1 Therapy Exercise Session 7 of 12
  • Lesson 19:  Phase II Therapy and Phase III Therapy
  • Lesson 20:  Advanced Phase 1 Therapy Exercise Session 8 of 12
  • Lesson 21:  Appointment Breakdown and Client Photos
  • Lesson 22:  Advanced Phase 1 Therapy Exercise Session 9 of 12
  • Lesson 23:  Toxic Oral Habits
  • Lesson 24:  Advanced Phase 1 Therapy Exercise Session 10 of 12
  • Lesson 25:  Therapy for "Tweens"
  • Lesson 26:  Advanced Phase 1 Therapy Exercise Session 11 of 12
  • Lesson 27:  Mini Myo Program
  • Lesson 28:  Advanced Phase 1 Therapy Exercise Session 12 of 12
  • Lesson 29:  Case Studies, Part 1
  • Lesson 30:  Case Studies, Part 2
  • Lesson 31:  One Client From A-Z
  • Lesson 32:  Graduation From Therapy, Other Modalities, and Correspondence
  • Lesson 33:  Orthodontics and Oral Appliances
  • Lesson 34:  Research and Studies
  • Lesson 35:  Biz Basics and Getting Paid
  • Lesson 36:  The Kit and Ordering Supplies

"Master Your Myo Promise"

The confidence that we have in our product shows with our money back guarantee.  We allow you to experience our program for a full 7 days, to make sure that our implementation program aligns with your goals.  

We are only looking for serious takers though, since we kinda take pride in your success. We want the best of the best to keep our track record stellar.

If you're not sure, if you are that "follow-through kind of go-getter", then we will let you take a test drive.  The first 3 lessons of our program are available to you for a 7 day period.  After that, baby, she is proudly yours!

If you send us an email ([email protected]) stating that you just simply aren't in a place to chase your dreams or significantly increase your income and financial stability, then we will gladly issue your refund.  

Our policy is very strict past the 7 day period, because after 7 days, we give you access to everything in the program, plus the private Facebook Groups.  

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

Myo Mastery Introduction Program - $2497 Value

  • 36 On-Demand Digital Lessons, 24/7 Access
  • Complete Digital Asset Library
  • Student Myofunctional Therapy Kit
  • Myofunctional Insider's Club
  • New Plan Update

Your Myo Mastery Bonuses

  • Build-Your-Business Lessons - $997 value 
  • Monthly Live Q & A Sessions - $1200 value
  • Myo Mastery "Organization Manifesto" - $497 value

Total Value: $5,191.00

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $5,191

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Pay Monthly

3 Monthly Payments of




Pay Upfront

1 Payment of



Frequently Asked Questions

What our most successful students asked before joining Myo Mastery Program

With emerging research and a deeper understanding of the field, your entrance into myofunctional therapy will be welcomed by the professionals whom you will partner with to provide tandem care to your clients.  Of course this means that you have the right professional background of course! We ask for proof of your credentials as soon as you register for the program.  It allows us to sleep at night, knowing that the integrity of the field is maintained.

We understand that you are a busy professional.  That is why the program is broken into 36 lessons.  Your step-by-step roadmap will take you through the pieces that "make sense together" and then it will continually build upon previous material.

While there is an option in some programs to get a "certificate", it is not necessary, nor does the training guarantee your success.  Myofunctional therapy is written (by the ADHA) into the scope of practice.  This means you need to get the myofunctional education, but it doesn't mean you have to pay the high expense of a "certification" program.  It you see the need for this certification, then you should seek out those programs and compare expenses to do so.  Our program has had a successful mix of those who wanted to do both.  Let's face will get your education from many sources...myo therapy is not a "one and done" type of learning sequence! The Myo Mastery Program is not a "certification" program and does not endorse or recommend any program.

We have walked before you.  We have created our own successful myofunctional therapy business with the principles that are taught in this course.  We are not special, we are just passionate and driven...and know how to help you be successful.  If you want to take a course in building a profitable, successful business then doesn't it make sense to learn from someone with a bonafide business background, and the graduate degree to back it up?

You learn many different tactics in the program.  There are primarily three different ways that clients were introduced to us.  1) Hygiene patient 2) Found via a search 3 ) Referred to us

You also learn about our story and how we were able to build a team and teach people.  Networking and marketing strategy is part of the step-by-step roadmap provided for you by this program.

The main 36 lessons are designed without an entrepreneur in mind.  We understand that not everyone has the desire to control their financial future, but would rather work safely in a dental setting.  That is A-ok!  We have pulled the heavy business lifting out and included it in the 3 "Build Your Business" lessons as a bonus.  You can choose to proceed through the bonus business module, or keep it for a rainy day.

We've got you covered with our Myo Mastery Guarantee.  We are pretty serious about our passion to help only the serious folks...we have a reputation to protect!   For that reason, we will let you test drive the first 3 lessons of the program for a full 7 days to decide if we are right for you! 


If you send us an email stating that you just simply aren't in a place to chase your goals or significantly increase your income and financial stability, then we will gladly issue your refund.  

You will have access to this course for at-least 12 months, which gives you plenty of time to revisit any areas that you need some extra time with.  We are very proud of this course and expect to see it successfully teaching myofunctional therapy to dental hygienists for a long time to come, but when the day comes that we no longer offer the course, we will certainly give you ample notice!

Each month, Carmen, will visit with you live to answer your questions.  We will put out a call for questions 24 hours before the FB live, and you will be able to submit your questions.  Carmen will answer as many as she can during the FB Live, and she will answer the remaining ones within the private Facebook Study Group.

It is our goal to make sure you are supported and this is one of the most personable ways to do this.

You can access the Facebook Q & A session live, or watch the replay.  Or both!

We will break it down for you right below this question!

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

Myo Mastery Introduction Program - $2497 Value

  • 36 On-Demand Digital Lessons, 24/7 Access
  • Complete Digital Asset Library
  • Student Myofunctional Therapy Kit
  • Myofunctional Insider's Club
  • New Plan Update

Your Myo Mastery Bonuses

  • Build-Your-Business Lessons - $997 value 
  • Monthly Live Q & A Sessions - $1200 value
  • Myo Mastery "Organization Manifesto" - $497 value

Total Value: $5,191.00

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $5,191

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Pay Monthly

3 Monthly Payments of




Pay Upfront

1 Payment of



The Myo Mastery Program is PERFECT for you if…

  1. You're just getting started and want to make sure you absolutely NAIL it right out of the gate by using the most organized, easy-to-follow step-by-step roadmap.
  2. You've been trying to decide for months (or even years) how to breathe new life into your dental hygiene career, but you aren't sure where to start and you are sure that you don't want to start OVER.
  3. You already KNOW about myofunctional therapy but find yourself reluctant to take that first step.
  4. You have no problem investing a few extra hours a week as long as you know that every bit of energy that you invest is a strategy and meaningful step forward in owning a profitable and consistently growing myofunctional therapy business.
  5. You care about how you show up as a practitioner.  Are you showing up daily with a helping heart for your current patients?  Do you DESIRE to start dishing out some incredible education that will be life changing for some of your patients?
  6. You're aware of the profitable doors that a myofunctional therapy business can open up.  If speaking engagements, training seminars, travel opportunities, and writing seem exciting to you....then you are in for a treat when you see the doors open up!
  7. You're ready to take action to create your exit strategy from dental hygiene while staying in TOTAL control of your exit plan and your financial freedom.
  8. You're excited about the possibilities to work without geographic boundaries or schedule limitations.
  9. You're excited to abandon all the excuses that have been holding you back.  Even if you've been side-tracked and let down before, you're currently feeling a wave of RENEWED OPTIMISM, knowing that by this time tomorrow, you can be plugging yourself into an easy-to-follow yet super effective roadmap for catalyzing your myofunctional knowledge and compounding the wins every single day.
  10.  You have the COURAGE to make a career pivot.  You are excited about using your strengths to build even bigger strengths.  You are DOUBLY excited that the Myo Mastery Program includes bonuses that will make sure you know how to confidently implement your myofunctional knowledge and launch a business that turns you into an authority with your clients.

Did you catch yourself nodding your head?

If you said “yes” to at least 6 of the above, I can’t wait to meet you inside the Myo Mastery Program.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

Myo Mastery Introduction Program - $2497 Value

  • 36 On-Demand Digital Lessons, 24/7 Access
  • Complete Digital Asset Library
  • Student Myofunctional Therapy Kit
  • Myofunctional Insider's Club
  • New Plan Update

Your Myo Mastery Bonuses

  • Build-Your-Business Lessons - $997 value 
  • Monthly Live Q & A Sessions - $1200 value
  • Myo Mastery "Organization Manifesto" - $497 value

Total Value: $5,191.00

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $5,191

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Payment Monthly

3 Monthly Payments of




Payment Upfront

1 Monthly Payment of



50% Complete

Two Step

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