Myo Life
with Carmen
Ep. 04. From Overworked to Overjoyed: A Dental Hygienist’s Guide to the Perfect Week
Are you ready to design a life you’re bonkers about? In this episode of Myo Life, Carmen shares her step-by-step guide to creating your ideal week, inspired by Michael Hyatt’s productivity principles and Jenny Blake’s transformative book Pivot.
Learn how to align your schedule with your values, set firm boundaries, and leverage your “freedom number” to transition from dental hygiene to a thriving myofunctional therapy business. Whether you’re dreaming of working fewer hours, earning more, or finally having total control of your calendar, this episode is packed with actionable insights to help you get there.
"If you don’t know what you’re working towards, it’s going to be really impossible to get there."
Ep. 04. From Overworked to Overjoyed: A Dental Hygienist’s Guide to the Perfect Week
The Myo Life Podcast with Carmen Woodland
In this episode of Myo Life, Carmen dives deep into the concept of designing your ideal week to build a life you’re bonkers about! Drawing inspiration from Michael Hyatt’s principles and Jenny Blake’s Pivot, Carmen walks listeners through the process of mapping out their dream schedule while balancing real-life responsibilities. Learn how to align your time with your values, set boundaries, and create a roadmap for transitioning from overworked to overjoyed.
Highlights from this episode:
🎙️Learn how to design your ideal week using Michael Hyatt’s framework to balance work, self-care, and personal time.
🎙️ Discover the power of calculating your freedom number to transition from full-time hygiene to a flexible and fulfilling business.
🎙️ Envision your dream week while taking practical, realistic steps to align it with your current lifestyle.
🎙️ Refine your calendar by treating it as a journal to evaluate what works, eliminate distractions, and focus on key priorities.
🎙️Transition smoothly from hygiene work to building your myofunctional therapy business by dedicating intentional time to growth.
Links mentioned in this episode:
About the Host:
Hello! I’m Carmen, the Director of Bravery at the Myofunctional Therapy Training Academy.
Not that long ago, my own career & life was nothing to brag about.
As a dental hygienist of 16 years I was tired of the long hours, constant aches and dreaded Monday's. Ultimately, I was tired of building someone else's dream.
I desired waking up excited to work -- with a career that gave me freedom, fulfillment and financial success.
Now, I enjoy a life that I'm bonkers about. I completely retired from dental hygiene for an amazing career in Myofunctional Therapy. I enjoy flexible hours working from home, my calendar is 100% under my control, I work remotely from dream locations -- in my yoga pants -- I've helped thousands of people, and I finally get to say "I love what I do" and I believe it.
Years later I have the amazing job of helping dental hygienists build a life they are bonkers about too by showing them how to build a profitable myofunctional therapy business.
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Hey, I'm Carmen and welcome to Myo Life. That's short for my outrageous life, which is exactly the kind of life I get to live since I found the courage to ditch dental hygiene and build a life I'm bonkers about as a Myofunctional therapist and entrepreneur. Here you will find all the things Myo business and how to build a life that you, too, are bonkers about. I'm very happy you're here. Shall we dive in?
Welcome back, friend, to another exciting episode. I hope this finds you building a life that you are absolutely bonkers about. Today we are going to be talking about building your ideal week. So first I learned about building or creating my ideal week from a couple different things. First of all, Michael Hyatt taught me about designing my ideal week, so you can see here on my calendar that that is what I have done. This is in an ideal situation. Looking at this example here, on a Monday I want to protect my peace from six to nine. Then I go work out, and then I start my week. Then I do metrics and marketing, I go out for a walk in the afternoon, so I kind of have everything laid out. I learned this part from him. One thing that he does teach is onstage, offstage, backstage. Backstage is kind of like the business tasks. I don't like to spend a lot of time there. I want to be working on intentional needle-moving projects if I am not with clients. Onstage is when I am either recording these episodes, working with clients, that kind of stuff. Offstage obviously is when I'm not working. You can see in this example, on Wednesdays is my personal day off. I have to do chores and laundry and groceries, all that fun stuff. My ideal schedule has Monday through Friday, with the exception of Wednesday. Also, you can see, my ideal day has me off at 4:30, with the exception of one late day a week until six. That’s what I learned from Michael Hyatt.
If you've been with me for any amount of time, you have heard me talk about Pivot. The book *Pivot* by Jenny Blake is instrumental in changing the course of my life. There were exercises in the book that I did, and I recommend you get the book, do the exercises, and write the answers down. Every year from Christmas to New Year's, I evaluate and look back at those exercises. It makes me so proud to see how far I’ve come. Part of those exercises was imagining how I would like my day to look and feel. It plays into the same concept.
I call this the first layer of the ideal week. Then, I move on to the next layers. This is something I teach in my calendaring system, in the Total Calendar Control lesson. This is where I root everything in real life. These blue blocks on my calendar are my appointments, like gym time. When you're designing your perfect week, I want you to dream. Create a perfect one. Obviously, if you're working, that's going to be different, but dream about what you're working toward. If you don't know what you're working toward, it's going to be really impossible to get there. What’s realistic? What are your non-negotiables? This could be kids’ activities or work. Maybe instead of batching content from 10:30 to 4:30, you're working on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Then consider what your freedom number told you.
If you don’t know what your freedom number is, go back to that episode. It will show you where you can cut back. For example, in the freedom number episode, I explained that if you need $36,000 a year and you’re making $50 an hour, that’s about 14.4 hours a week. If your goal is to build a business that allows you to work from anywhere and have total control of your calendar, you want to work closer to 15 hours a week instead of 40. Your goal is to start matching your dream week with real life. Keep refining and working toward that.
There are times when my week gets overrun by work because I don’t say no. Then I stop taking care of myself. I remove workouts from my schedule, skip my afternoon walk, and miss that sun exposure I need for my vitamin D and melatonin levels. I have to check myself, and so will you. I also love doing an end-of-year workflow. I look at my calendar for the whole year, treating it like a journal. Every minute is accounted for so I can go back and see what worked, what didn’t, what to double down on, and what to eliminate, delegate, or automate. Keep refining until you get to that ideal day.
Let’s say you’re working full-time and want to build your myofunctional therapy business. If you can cut back one day of hygiene, you can take Wednesdays off and dedicate that time to your business. I talk about this in the boundaries lesson. That’s when you can work on essential tasks like building your website, networking, and marketing. As your business grows, you start to make money on Wednesdays. Maybe you reach a point where one-third of your income comes from Myo, and two-thirds from hygiene. Then, you might cut back another day of hygiene. This is how you go from overworked to overjoyed. I am truly overjoyed to work from anywhere and have total control of my calendar—and doing it all in yoga pants is a bonus.
Your call to action is to learn your freedom number, find where you can cut back, and start working on your calendar. Get inside the Ditch Hygiene Academy to go through the Total Calendar Control program, where I teach boundaries, project management, time management, and more. That’s a wrap, my friend.